Digital Cities Challenge: A strategy for EU cities in the 21st Century

The technological, social, and economic effects of emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, data analytics, Internet of Things, blockchain are rapidly changing the world around us. Nowhere is this more evident than in cities – where the density and diversity of human settlement creates innovation-friendly ecosystems that promote smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. City leadership must be aware and empowered to direct such transformation for the long term benefit of citizens. The European Commission’s Digital Cities Challenge initiative drives urban and industrial transformation in 40 European cities and helps them achieve smart and sustainable growth, through four pillars: demonstrating visionary leadership, building thriving local innovation ecosystems, creating new markets based on smart infrastructures, advanced technologies and data and upskilling the city. The initiative offers policy advisory services and coaching opportunities and provides cities with tools and best practices both for assessing current city readiness and moving forward their vision for the future. The cities share a network of collaboration, knowledge sharing and peer learning. 

The high-level conference will showcase the effects of technological transformation in European cities and will seek to agree on policy priorities and pave the way for the future strategy for Intelligent Cities in the 21st century. 

Register and read more about the conference here.