Position on Cascading

During its plenary session in Piteå on Februari 26, 2016, Europaforum Norra Sverige (EFNS) adopted a position paper opposing cascading.

There are  ambitions in the EU to make cascading mandatory. Cascading implies a specific order of priority on the use of forestry raw materials. According to EFNS, a legislation on EU-level would be an obstacle to sustainable bioenergy development of new bio-based materials and products.

EFNS objects any binding rules at EU level on how forest biomass and biomass resources are used. EFNS emphasizes the importance of forestry industry in Sweden and in the EU. 55 % of Sweden is covered by forest, which comprises the basis for sustainable industrial as well as energy production. In addition, Sweden is the world's second largest exporter of paper, pulp and sawn timber.

Forest biomass is an important raw material for the emerging bio-based industries. The development of new products such as bio-based plastics, textiles and jet fuel as well as renewable energy can substantially contribute to achieve the EU's goal of a developed region-based bio-economy.

About Europaforum Norra Sverige

Europaforum Norra Sverige (EFNS) is an arena where politicians from Sweden’s four northernmost counties – Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland and Västernorrland – co-operate to influence EU politics and policy-making. The purpose is to increase knowledge and awareness of EU politics amongst the political organisations in the four northernmost counties and to influence the areas which affect Northern Sweden. The present chairman of EFNS is Erik Bergkvist, chairman of Region Västerbotten.

EFNS position paper on cascade use of forest raw materials 

For more information, contact Mona Mansour, Senior Adviser European Affairs, North Sweden European Office.

/Mona Mansour

North Sweden in the EU

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