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Industry policy

EU industry policy 

The EU is an important financier of research and innovation that will contribute to growth and solutions to major societal challenges. At the heart of the policy is the framework program for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe, which represents approximately one tenth of the EU budget of EUR 100 billion over a seven-year program period. The program finances both basic research and more market-oriented innovation projects. Universities and institutes are major participants in the programs, but it is also relevant for public actors and private companies to participate in projects to develop their businesses as well as new services and products. The program is managed directly by the EU, which means that the funds are sought directly from the EU in competition with the whole of Europe.

Research policy is strongly linked to regional policy and other funds through the concept of Smart Specialization where the region can benefit from research funding for regional development. This is done by involving the entire regional innovation system in the strategy work and in the projects.

North Sweden European Office and industry policy

North Sweden monitors and influences the EU's innovation policy so that Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Jämtland Härjedalen and Västernorrland have the opportunity to use the funds in the best way for their development. This means lifting forward the region's strengths so that funds are invested in the industries that are important for the growth of northern Sweden. North Sweden provides advice to the region on current funds and is working strategically to give Northern Sweden great influence on the Brussels arena and the opportunity to influence the content of the EU's innovation policy. Since the research funds are attractive, this means great competition for the region and it is of great importance to participate in networks and decisive to enter into partnerships in order to be able to access the funds and showcase their skills, where North Sweden supports the region's players.

The mission also includes facilitating and supporting the region in its work with Smart Specialization for efficient use of EU funds and programs.

Industry Policy in Northern Sweden

Northern Sweden, also one of Europe's most innovative regions, is strong in the competition for research and development funding from the EU, which has a positive impact on the region's development. For example, within the framework of natural resources, the mining and minerals industry contributes to the transition towards sustainable mining and competitive production. With information and communication technology, healthcare provides services to the countryside and the construction of energy-efficient data centers provides Europe with IT infrastructure. Small and large companies as well as universities have been successful in the competition for the funds that are translated into creating added value for the whole of Europe. In total, the region's stakeholders received 104 million euros from Horizon 2020 during the 2014-2020 programming period.



Mona Mansour (On sick leave)

Senior Adviser in European Affairs

Senior Adviser in European Affairs
Phone: +32 (0)2 282 18 28
Mobile: +32 (0)475 773 963

Focus areas: Transport, Connecting Europe (Transport,  ICT & Energy), Raw Materials, Internal Market including State Aid